Azerbaijan is situated in the eastern part of the South Caucasus on the Caspian Sea shore and covers an area of 86.6 thousand km2. In 2004, the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan was 8 million 265 thousand people, including 4 million 254 thousand people or 51.5% those living in urban and 4 million 11 thousand people or 48.5% residing in rural areas.
Men formed 49% or 4 million 58 thousand of population, and women - 51% or 4 million 207 thousand people.
The age-composition of the population comprises the following age-classes: people of 0-14 years of age make up 26% of the population, 15-64 years-67%, 65 and above-for 7%. Young people of 18-34 years of age make up 29% of the population with the half of them living in big cities.
The average age of the population is 31 years.
In the last five years the average number of new-born equaled 114 thousand infants a year or 312 new citizens a day. The 2003's birth rate made up 14 per 1000 people.
The country is known for the relatively low and stable birth rates. However, due to the military attack of Armenians in 1992-1994, which caused deaths of many people, figure increased during that period. After a ceasefire regime was introduced between Azerbaijan and Armenia the death rates decreased significantly down to 6 per 1,000 people last year.
The death rates are reflected in the indicators of the average life expectancy. Last year the average life expectancy totaled 72.3 years, with men living in average for 69.5 years, women-for 75.1 years.
The number of marriages also plays an important role in rates of birth. Last year 56.1 thousand marriages were concluded and 6.7 thousand marriages dissolved in the country. At present 43% of women marry at the age of 16 and above.
The number of emigrants, leaving the country amounted to 3.8 thousand people, while the number of immigrants made up 2.5 thousand people. These indicators are much lower from that of the previous years.
By the recent census enumeration Azerbaijanis make up 90.6% of the population, Lezguins-2.2%, Russian-1.8%, Armenians-1.5%, Talyshs-1%, avars-0.6%, Turks-0.5%, Tatars-0.4%, Ukrainians-0.4%, Sakhurs-0.2%, Georgians-0.2%, Kurds-0.2%, Tats-0.13%, Jews-0.1%, Udins-0.05%, other nations-0.12%.
The people easily speaking their native language made up 99.2% of the whole population. Among Azerbaijanis this indicator totaled 99.8%.
The population of the country (01.01.2005) - 8347.3 thousand people
That includes:
men - 4103,7 thousand people
women - 4243,6 thousand people
people under age of 18 - 2936,2 thousand